Sunday, September 10, 2006

[wake up]*

wake up
for it was only a dream
a good dream
a wrong dream

the monument
was not me

it was us
or the us we thought we were
and we were not

two children
longing to grow up
and failing miserably

two hearts
so alike
they thought they were one

and they were not

and fights and shouts and sorrows
because its tiring to be strong always

the hearts are free now
the hearts are two now

just as they should

lets be now
let it be now
we are free now

lets wake up
lets grow up

tomorrow is a good day

* não encontrando uma letra de música perfeita,
eu escrevi uma.

porque desde os treze anos eu sei: a única coisa mais linda que uma folha em branco, é uma folha escrita

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Traitor, you never told ME you had a blog too!!!

Eu concordo com a a afirmação sobre a folha branca, mas tb tem a folha branca reciclada (consciência ecológica, mona, é tudo!) mas também amo qdo a folha não é totalmente branca, nem totalmente escrita e ela tem os três pontinhos.

Ah, bom de ver.
